Thursday, April 11, 2013

Andersons' Prayer Letter for March/April 2013

Dear Praying Friends,                                                                                                    March 2013
Our commemoration of resurrection morning (Easter) is this weekend.  Christ’s victory over death and the grave is the guarantee of our own future resurrection.  It is also God’s “APPROVED/ACCEPTED” stamp on the Lord’s redemptive work on the cross, along with God’s “VALID” stamp on every promise in His precious Word.  May the wonder of the empty tomb never escape us!
This letter is later than it should be—you may have noticed.  Several weeks ago, I went to the main file of our prayer partners’ email lists to edit something … and the file was empty!  No “note of explanation” was left, of course!  L   So, I have been trying to rebuild our email list from several partial sources.  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.
Please pray that the Lord will give each one of us a growing passion for the souls of men, who so desperately need Christ.  They must hear the Word (Romans 10:17) from the lips of a believer (or through the written Word).  May God grant to us all the boldness to set aside our gripping hesitation and fear of reprisal—living “soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world” (Titus 2:12) and proclaiming the saving Gospel at every opportunity.
I was privileged to teach the Introduction to Missions class to thirty-four freshmen and two upperclassmen at Baptist College of Ministry in Wisconsin during January.  We had a serious, yet delightful time for the thirty hours of class.  Please pray for these young people … asking the Lord to soon thrust many of them to the fields of the world as church planters!
We ask for your prayers, that God would direct us to those fields where we can go as furlough replacement church planters, bearing “fruit that remains,” and thereby, be a great blessing to the missionary family we are privileged to serve.  God is opening a door for us to possibly serve in South Africa later this year and into 2014.
Thank you for praying for our children and their children.  We praise the Lord for our five grandchildren!  Kyle is now 13 and has grown “seems like” a foot in the last year!  Kathryn is 12 and still a reading machine.  Wyatt is now 6, and trusted Christ as his Savior in February—PTL!  Andrew turned 3 in January and talks nonstop J, and baby Owen was born to Scott and Sarah in February (see photo J)!  God has provided a buyer for the house Glenn and Becky have had for sale in Louisiana!
We rejoice in your laboring with us through your prayers and support!
He is RISEN indeed!
Debtors to His grace,
Steve and Martha Anderson

A ministry of Faith Baptist Church, 7306 E. Atherton Road, Davison, MI  48423
Mission Board:  Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL  35602

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